PancakeSwap V3 (BSC)
Overview, Markets and Information$ 570,575,645
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 5,957
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
PancakeSwap V3 (BSC) is a cryptocurrency exchange with total volume of $ 570,575,645 and has markets and pairs
Year Established | 2023 |
Website | |
Rank | 153 |
Country | |
Has Trading Incentive | No |
Centralized | No |
Coin | Pair | Volume | Volume (BTC) | Volume (USD) | Volume % |
Binance Peg Filecoin | 0X0D8CE2A9/0XBB4CDB9C | 20,338 | Ƀ 0 | $ 68,348 | 0.01% |
Heyanon | 0X79BBF450/0X8AC76A51 | 14,891 | Ƀ 1 | $ 109,955 | 0.02% |
Cosmos | 0X0EB3A705/0XBB4CDB9C | 21,228 | Ƀ 1 | $ 99,058 | 0.02% |
Laqira Protocol | 0XC4A1E710/0XBB4CDB9C | 454,835 | Ƀ 0 | $ 41,210 | 0.01% |
Ritestream | 0X0808BF94/0X55D39832 | 4,699,586 | Ƀ 0 | $ 42,960 | 0.01% |
Oncology Network | 0XD8210971/0XBB4CDB9C | 34,376,000 | Ƀ 0 | $ 43,455 | 0.01% |
Ready To Fight | 0XA89E2871/0X55D39832 | 2,699,843 | Ƀ 0 | $ 53,374 | 0.01% |
Binance Peg Weth | 0X2170ED08/0XBB4CDB9C | 3,209 | Ƀ 86 | $ 8,459,112 | 1.48% |
Pancakeswap Token | 0X0E09FABB/0XE9E7CEA3 | 30,616 | Ƀ 0 | $ 52,445 | 0.01% |
Binance Peg Avalanch | 0X1CE0C282/0XBB4CDB9C | 2,111 | Ƀ 0 | $ 53,124 | 0.01% |